What some Christians call “praise and worship dance” is practiced in a number churches today. Those that encourage Christian praise dancing usually are Pentecostal or charismatic churches. I personally have a number of friends in Christian ministry who encourage worship dance as a New Testament truth. Some even create a specific “praise dance ministry” in their churches. These are good men, and I genuinely respect the sincerity of their beliefs on this subject. However, I do not share their conclusion that dancing in church is a biblical worship form for New Testament believers. In the balance of this study, I would like to share from Scripture why I do not believe that God has established praise dancing as a worship form in the New Testament. I hasten to add that this is not in any way an attempt to minimize the sincerity of those who encourage worship dance in the church. I have attended services in many such churches, and I see genuine sincerity in their approach to worship. Rather,...