
Showing posts from December 23, 2007

Bush leaves specifics of his faith to speculation

President is openly religious, but his true beliefs remain mystery By Alan Cooperman The Washington Post updated 5:20 a.m. PT, Thurs., Sept. 16, 2004 Before President Bush addressed a Knights of Columbus convention last month in Dallas, the audience of 2,500 conservative Catholics watched a documentary film about a woman who chose to die rather than end a pregnancy that threatened her life. Then the president gave a speech in which he called Pope John Paul II "a true hero of our time" and used the pope's phrase "culture of life" three times. When it was over, many in the audience were convinced that the president shared their view that abortion is murder and should be banned. "The 'culture of life' is a very important code word that will resonate with Catholics," said Carl A. Anderson, head of the 1.6 million-member Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Roman Catholic men's society. 2004 Elections: George W. Bush But Bush had not ac...

Ten Forums to Make You a Better Blogger

Ten Forums to Make You a Better Blogger September 17, 2007 — Steve (Views: 561) Reading forums and participating in forums is a great way to become a better blogger. Forums focused on blogging are the best means to get questions answered and become known within the blogging community. I don’t suggest that you participate in all of these, but instead pick one or two and become a valuable member. The real power of forums is to become well known within the forums’ community. You want to establish yourself as a valued member of the community and an authority blogger. Here are my favorite blogging forums: 1. Authority Blogger Forum : The Authority Blogger Forum is a forum created by Chris Garrett, the author of . This Forum is pretty new, but I am finding it to be a great community of bloggers. It is also great for new bloggers. 2. Blog Traffic School Forums : The Blog Traffic School Forums are forums provided by Yaro Starak. Yaro is the author...