
Showing posts from December 26, 2007

25 ways to promote urblog

1. Article Directories Article directories are a wonderful way to get traffic and backlinks to your website. There are many well established article directories that have been proven to get websites traffic. People search for articles in different categories and after reading the article they usually follow a link at the bottom of the article to your website. 2. Business Directories Posting in business directories is still an effective way to get backlinks and small amounts of traffic. Most directory sites have many listings that are organized into. Being that there are so many business directories, the best way to find one related to your site would be to do a Google search or to use the websites below to find them. 3. Classifieds Classi...

100 adsense tips

AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor. Impression count is basically referring to your traffic. It means the number of times AdSense block is displayed. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%. Cost-per-click (CPC) is the earning you get per click. While traditionally it refers to the amount advertisers pay for each click, it can also mean the amount publishers get for each click. Smart-pricing is AdSense method to determine how valuable clicks from your site is worth. If clicks on your site doesn’t provide good value to advertisers, e.g. from visitors’ geo-location that seldom translate to sales, you will only get a fraction of the supposed CPC. Apply for AdSense account via for faster approval. Once you get your AdSense publisher code, you can put it any of your websites without requiring further approval. Read and reread Googl...

The Feature Christian Artist of The Week: Introducing Avalon

The Feature Christian Artist of The Week Introducing Avalon  |  The Releases  |  Learn More ...    from Kim Jones Talk about a place in Christian music history ... this group sure has made one for themselves. Eight years has equaled five studio releases, one remix release and 20 Dove nominations.     The Releases   All of Avalon's Releases Find all of Avalon's releases with links to lyrics and tab/chords, as well as links to price comparisons for each album.   Sponsored Links     Learn More ...   Avalon's Official Site   Kim Jones About's Guide to Christian Music           Learn Something New Every Day Enroll at About U for More Online Learning About U is our collection of free on...

How to Grow Your Christian Music Ministry: Week 1: Planning Your Steps

How to Grow Your Christian Music Ministry Week 1: Planning Your Steps  |  The Beginning  |  Books That Can Help You    from Kim Jones You wouldn't go on a trip cross-country or even cross-town without having a destination in mind. Long journey's require more planning than short trips to the grocery store just like new missions require much planning. Your first step in Christian music ministry is making your plan.     The Beginning   Make A Plan Preparing for your first step can be a time consuming process, but it's worth it in the end. Are you serious enough to write it out on paper and then follow through?   Sponsored Links     Books That Can Help You   Music and Ministry: A Biblical Counterpart     Discipling Music Ministry: Twenty-First Centu...