List of Social Networking Websites for Web Marketing

Social News Networks:

1. Digg - community based web 2.0 social network.
2. Plime - news network where users can vote up and down.
3. NewsClowd - network to share popular news.
4. Mixx- Digg style application to share news, pictures, and videos.
5. Linkinn - old news sharing network.
6. EarthFrisk- news network (Digg style)
7. Zimbio - allow members to ping their blogs, submit stories, write articles, and share links.
8. Searchles - media blog to share news and viral stories.
9. Hugg- network to post news links (Digg style).
10. Kirtsy -interesting site to find and share information.
11. NewsVine - news site to share serious information and stories.
12. Jigg- Digg style social bookmarking site.
13. Propeller - extremely popular news site.
14. ShoutWire - network to rate pictures, news, and videos.
15. Linkspocket - simple news network.
16. Content Pop - site to find popular content pages.
17. TrailFire - well designed network to share news and bookmarks.
18. Folkd - allow to bookmark, save, and vote for links.
19. Uvouch - media site to share videos, photos, and blogs.
20. Danogo - newest social site to share news and opinion.
21. BarksBookmarks - site to find cool news.
22. Web-Feeds -StumbleUpon style news network.
23. VoteLists - well designed site to vote for web pages and news.
24. Ka-Boom-it!- Digg style network to bookmark news.
25. Ximmy - social site which offers money to users.
26. Invincibelle- social media site powered by RawSugar.
27. Faves - popular news sharing community.
28. Tagza - site to tag news.
29. Mister-Wong - site with more than 4 mil. visitors per month.
30. BibSonomy - old social network to share and tag news.
31. Jumptags - social site to share news, tags, pages, websites, and even contacts!

Social Bookmarking Networks:

1. - one of the most popular social bookmarking network.
2. StumbleUpon - provides the best traffic.
3. Furl- social bookmarking site. Owned by LookSmart.
4. Reddit - social bookmarking / social news site.
5. Simpy - old social site to share links.
6. Magnolia - allow people to submit bookmark and share it with different groups.
7. SpicyPage - network to tell about your own website.
8. IndianPad - popular Indian bookmarking site.
9. BlinkList - network which allow to bookmark pages from your toolbar.
10. Blogmarks - bookmarking site to save links and share with other users.
11. FeedMeLinks - place to bookmark links and find what others bookmark.
12. Fungow - another social bookmarking site to share links.
13. Linkatopia - site to save links.
14. Faves - network to post favorite links for specific topics.
15. Tagza - social bookmarking site to publish list.
16. Stumpedia - human powered search engine which allow to bookmark links as well.
17. Clipmarks - creative bookmarking site which allow to bookmark parts of specific page or website.
18. Netvouz - network to display latest bookmarks.
19. StartAid - network to find and save news and bookmarks.
20. GetBoo - tag your favorite pages.
21. Diigo - site to tag, bookmark, and share favorite places on the web.
22. OYAX - social bookmarking network.
23. SpotBack - site to find what other people bookmark.

Social Search Engines:

1. Stumpedia - human powered search engine.
2. Rollyo - search engine to find favorite things on the web.
3. Tall Street - search engine to rank results.

Social Shopping Networks:

1. ThisNext - social site where people can share shopping experience.
2. AgentB - network to find deals, sales, and cheap goods.
3. Deal Comet - social site to submit and find deal.
4. Zebo - product advising network.
5. Dealigg- Digg style social shopping network.
6. Kaboodle - create wish list and submit stuff you want to buy.
7. Wists - network to share shopping websites.
8. ShoppersBase - social media site to find goods.

RSS Feed readers and networks:

1. Technorati - social site to submit RSS Feeds, find popular posts, rate blogs.
2. Syndic8 - network to submit and discover RSS Feeds.
3. Blogs Collection- RSS Feed network for bloggers.
4. MyFeedz - site to search popular stories through RSS Feeds.
5. BumpZee - network to search interesting topics and subscribe for RSS Feeds.
6. Genwi - social site to create profile and submit RSS Feeds.
7. Today- news media network where bloggers can submit RSS Feeds.
8. Blogz - RSS Feed discovery and blog search engine.
9. 2RSS - directory, Feed reader, and news site.
10. Plazoo - RSS Feed reader.
11. Weblogs - instant Feed reader and news provider.
12. RSS Feeds Directory - general directory of RSS Feeds.
13. Press Radar - discover the most popular news through RSS.
14. RSSMad - simple network to find news.

Miscelanious Networks:

1. FaceBook - student / friend network where you can share basically everything.
2. LinkedIn - professional network to find business partners, co-workers, industry news.
3. Squidoo - network to share knowledge and passion.
4. 43 things - social networking site where users create accounts and then share lists of goals and hopes.
5. FriendSite - friend network with great social bookmarking section.
6. Naymz - network to find professional connections.

Ping Services:

1. Ping-O-Matic! - the most popular ping service
2. FeedShark- service to submit RSS Feeds and podcasts.
3. BlogFlux Pinger - ping for the most popular networks.
4. Blog On USA - submit your RSS in 50+ networks.
5. King Ping - ping to 57 networks and services.
6. Pingoat - popular ping service.
7. Google Ping - ping service to add blog in Google Blog Search.

Social Sites for Bloggers:

1. MyBlogLog- network to connect bloggers. Owned by Yahoo.
2. Bloglines - network to search, share, and publish blogs.
3. BlogCatalog- social community of bloggers.
4. Technorati - network to provide information about blogs, find popular posts, rank blogs.
5. Zimbio - media site to share last posts from blogs.
6. BlogsCollection - social site to find blog RSS Feeds.
7. Blogoria- newest social site to unite bloggers.
8. BlogCode- social site to rate your blog and find related blogs and bloggers.
9. Fuel My Blog- social site to find friends and communicate with other bloggers.
10. Blogsvine- network with Digg application for bloggers.
11. Wobblog- site for bloggers to vote for their favorite posts.
12. Blog Reporter- Digg style network for blogs.
13. BlogEngage - forums, news, and blog directory.

Blog Directories:

1. BlogExplosion - blog directory and network to increase blog traffic.
2. BlogHub - large portal for bloggers with 35 000+ members.
3. BOTW blogs- one of the most popular paid directory for bloggers.
4. Blogarama - network was recently updated and now it offer to rate and vote for blogs.
5. EatOnWeb -probably the oldest directory for weblogs.
6. LsBlogs - provide blog directory and directory of blog resources.
7. AddUrlBlog - simple blog directory.
8. BlogTagstic - site to submit and tag blogs.
9. Blogs By City - old directory for blogs.
10. The Blog Resource - paid directory for blogs.
11. Bloggeries- strong directory for bloggers.
12. BlogFlux- membership required to submit your blog.
13. BlogDirs - general blog web directory.
14. Blogoriffic- allow blogers to submit blog and RSS Feeds.
15. BlogBib - great designed blog directory.
16. Grokodile - blog directory which reminds DMOZ.
17. DirSpace Blogs - Blog category on popular web directory.
18. Blog Advance - network with forum and blog rating system.
19. Vital - blog and news search.
20. Bloggernity - blog portal and search network.
21. PodDop - fast growing blog directory.
22. Blog Search- regestration required to submit link.
23. BlogHop - popular network for blogs.
24. GetBlogs - general blog directory.
25. Blog Listings - web directory to list your blog.
26. SubmitBlogs - newest blog directory.
27. Finding Blogs -create account before submitting.
28. Link Blogs - you have to email admin for submission.
29. 2-Review - blog review network.
30. One Thousand Bloggers- Milliondollarhomepage copycat for bloggers.
31. TopWeblog - simple web directory.
32. 5 Star Blogs - blog ranking directory.
33. Blog Intro Directory - build in blog directory.
34. BlogListing- allow to tag and submit weblogs.
35. Blog Sweet - general blog directory.
36. Blogion - fast growing Web 2.0 directory.
37. Blog Announce - blog directory.
38. BlogDup - general blog directory with high Pagerank.
39. Blog Finds - categorized blog directory and search.
40. Postami - blog directory and RSS finder.
41. Surreal Blog - general directory to submit blog.
42. MVblogs - simple directory for blog submission.
43. Ajdee - category to submit blog.
44. Blog Folders - directory with simple design.
45. Chat to US - paid blog directory.
46. Creative Blogs- categorised directory for bloggers.
47. Nubbit - portal to find news and submit links.
48. Bigger Blogger - simple categorised directory.
49. BloggerHQ - blog directory with perfect design.
50. BloggingAbroad - regular blog directory.
51. Blogoozle - blogs organised by Google Pagerank.
52. Diarist - blog directory and blogger network.
53. BlogWidow- not a real directory. It is content submission network for bloggers.
54. Delightful Blogs - inredible interesting design.
55. B.Collection - interesting directory.
56. Blog-Directory - directory to get information about blogs.
57. MyBlog2U - blog directory and search.
58. The Million Blogs - pixel blog directory.
59. BlogZ Search- general portal for bloggers.
60. Blog Popular - receprocal directory for blogs.
61. Wutzle- network offers multiple services for bloggers.
62. BlogZ - regular / general blog directory.
63. High Class Blogs - directory to find cool blogs with updates every 24 hours.
64. Photarium - network to tag blogs.
65. BlogAdr - directory and news site.
66. Blog Drive - simple blog directory.
67. Blog Bunch - BETA blog directory.
68. BlogZoop - blog directory, forum, tools, and more.
69. BlogVille - “get a street for your blog”.
70. Instant Blog Directory - new directory.
71. Blog Directory - United Kingdom blog directory.
72. Optimum Blogs - general directory for blogs.
73. z-Blogs - directory for quality blogs.
74. 1CoolFire - network with multiple submission options.
75. B4Blogs- simple directory for weblogs.
76. Alive Blog Directory - paid web directory.
77. Blog Collector - newest blog directory.
78. Super Blog Directory - they call themself “super”… just another blog index.
79. BlogHints - blog directory and search index.
80. Bloggapedia - directory and network to find interesting blogs.
81. Helios Blogs - newest blog bookmarking network.

Blog Search Engines:

1. Technorati - social network and search engine.
2. Sphere - one of the most popular blog search engine.
3. Bloglines - powerfull network and blog search.
4. Blog Search Engine - search engine and news provider.
5. Fybersearch - old network to search RSS Feeds and news.
6. FlexFinder - very old search engine with ability to search blogs.
7. IceRocket - 100% blog search engine.
8. Blogz - RSS Feed discovery and blog search engine.
9. BlogDigger - established search engine for blogs.

Niche Networks For Bloggers:

1. I Blog Business - network for business and marketing blogs.
2. Blogs: Small Business - general business directory.


1. Human Capital Institute- educational site for bloggers.
2. BlogScholar - academic blogging portal.


1. Queer Filter- network for gay culture and bloggers.


1. MilBlogging- blogging portal for military bloggers.


1. Band Weblogs - community for people who blog about popular and rock music.


1. Lefty Blogs - for US politic blogs and news sites.


1. Photo Blog Directory - general directory for photo blogs.
2. Photoblogs -portal. Photo blogs, news, wiki…
3. Fotolog- social network community for photo bloggers.

Random topics:

1. Ageless - blogging by age.


1. Blogs4god - christian blog network (Digg style).


1. Sport Blogs -articles, store, directory, and news about sport from bloggers.

Technology / Internet:

1. Geeks with blogs - extremely popular commynity for geeks.
2. Swik - software and related news.

Video Blogging:

1. VBD - video blog directory.
2. Vidblogs- social network for video bloggers.


1. Blogs by Women - directory with over 5000 members.
2. BlogHer- social site for women bloggers.


1. Easy Wordpress - directory for wordpress blogs.

Niche Social Sites:

1. AutoSpies - large network to share auto industry news.
2. MotorPulse- Digg style network to find auto industry news.
3. Boompa - network for people who loves cars.


1. Bizzlo - network to share business and investment ideas.
2. Feed The Bull - investment and stock market community.


1. All About Steak - Yes! social site where people can submit links about steak and beef.


1. Care2 - news about enviroment, health, nature.
2. PlantChange- Australian enviromental community (Digg style).


1. Health Ranker - health social news.


1. NewsHeat - Digg style site to find political opinion and news.


1. Dzone - site to bookmark links for web developers.
2. CSS Globe - site to share web design and web marketing stories.
3. PixelGroovy - network to share web design experience and knowledge.
4. DesignFloat - social site for web designers.
5. Sphinn - popular SEO, web marketing, and web design community.
6. DevelopersNiche - web design, software, technology news….
7. DnHour- Digg style network to share ninformation about domains.
8. PlugIm - internet and web marketing news.
9. Swik - software and related news.
10. Slashdot Bookmarks - the most popular technology blog and community.


1. Gusto - travel links, news, and reviews.

Video Games:

1. VGpro - community to find news about gaming industry.


1. Boudica - social news for women.


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