The basis of Guide compensation is year-over-year page view growth. As of 1/1/07, if your page views grow you will never make less than $725 per month and it’s likely you’ll make much more than that over time (in some cases we have Guides who earn in excess of$100,000 per year).
50% of revenue goes to writers. 10% goes to commenters.
Take advantage of royalty-generating tools. HubPages provides you with easy access to the Internet’s top income generating tools: Google ads and eBay and Amazon offers. The opportunity to earn more and more royalties over time simply by writing about your favorite topic is the icing on the cake!
Since Squidoo is free to use, we have to run a few ads on your lens in order to keep paying the server bills. But, since you’re the brains behind the lens, you should get a cut! And better than a cut: you get HALF. That’s right. Any time someone stops by your lens and buys a product you recommended or clicks on a Google ad, you get 50% of the royalties. We keep 45% for the company and send 5% to charity.
A social network that puts 100% ad revenue in your pocket. We’ve built the tools for you to share your videos, photos, and blogs. Your place to make friends, earn money, network and more.
Xomba uses Google Adsense on every page of the site. Any posts made by the user will display targeted ads on their Xombyte/Xomblurb. Xomba automatically rotates ownership of the ads between users and the website. You are paid by Google when someone clicks on these ads.
Each month you will earn 50% of the revenue generated by your content in the previous month. And you’ll keep on earning - because your published content will continue to generate royalties every month thereafter.
What’s more, our best writers earn! Helium shares a portion of its revenue with those who share the most and the best with us.
Why should anyone else reap the benefits of your labor? When you submit your work to oondi, you get 100% of the advertisement profits.
Welcome. Join the party, where people from around the world join together to share their thoughts, ideas, rants, daily journals, reviews, and lives with each other each and every day. Write about what you want, when you want, meet people, and have fun. Plus, make some money doing it, too.
Build a mini-page about your expertise, interests and know-how. Use text, pictures, video, links and blog feeds. Earn revenue brought in by your mini-pages
Sign up today and join one of the most active news sites on the Internet! Share your thoughts, vote on newsworthy articles, engage in debates and even get paid to report news as a citizen journalist.
Our mission at is to provide a place for honest Google AdSense publishers to legitimately increase their daily earnings. As soon as you register, this basically becomes your website, with your AdSense blocks displayed next to your content, and you’ll be able to write articles, reviews, and stories about your knowledge and experience with AdSense or any topic you feel confortable with, as well as read, ask questions, and exchange information with other AdSense publishers.
MyTripleDub is all about sharing. You post, we share. For every post you create, you get the benefit of 70% of the ads displaying using your AdSense account. If you send people here using your referral link, and they sign up, you get an additional 10% on any of the posts they make, and they still get 70%!
Still using MySpace, LiveJournal or Xanga? If you’re going to blog, why not get paid? When you sign up, you can make money through ads on your blog that generate revenue every time a reader clicks on an ad. It’s free and easy! also offers an opportunity for freelance writers who would like to make profits with Google AdSense with no cost by adding Google AdSense on their articles. This is the opportunity for freelance writers who prefer working at home. The Freelance writer ( freelance writhing ) will get 100% profits from This is an 100% AdSense revenue sharing
5050Articles provides you with the ability to become an author and publish your articles to drive traffic to your website or blog. Sounds simple enough, but we’ve taken it a step further. We split the AdSense revenue generated from with you, the author of the articles and blog posts. So not only can you drive traffic to your website, but you could make some (or a lot) more money in the process!
GreenDOC associated with Google AdSense offers you an opportunity to link ads provided by Google AdSense on your published documents page.
Daytipper is your online daily resource for useful advice, tips, tricks, techniques and hints…Got a great tip? We’ll pay you $3.
Adsense Revenue Sharing - Make Money from every tutorial that you submit to us is a writing community where authors can create their own personal blog. Each blog article shows up on the site’s home page and on each author’s personal blog. Blog Authors can make a significant amount of money from Adsense Ads that are displayed on the same page as their blog articles.
You can include your own Google Adsense® publisher ID.
Once you have created your own free blog account you will be able to select the color, channel and much more.
If you have strong opinions about software, whether positive or negative, and want to get paid for your reviews, you are in the right place. We pay up to 50 dollars for tell-it-like-it-is, no marketing BS, straight talking software reviews.
Value Investing News is a community driven value investing news site. You can submit links to news items, bid up stories to the front page, bid down stories, and make comments. Members are rewarded for the success of Value Investing News by sharing in the Adsense revenue.
Express yourself, make friends, improve English, and earn money. You will get 60% advertisement revenue that your blog generates.
A Your Blog In account gives you access to several features including multiple themes and Google AdSense revenue sharing, detailed statistics, and the SpamKarma installed on every blog.
Revenue sharing ratio is now 70%
On this site, we share the revenue with you 75/25 (you get 75%, we get 25%). By inserting your Adsense information below, we’ll show your ads 75% of the time on every page of every site that you create on ScreenDig. The more sites you make, the more traffic you get, the more money you’ll make.
[For] programmers and developers of all skill levels Currently our up front rate is $50 per article. This amount will be paid through PayPal before publishing on Scratch Projects.
Qassia is not a knowledge base, but we rely on the same user contribution principle, since our bread and butter is the accumulation and amalgamation of intel. And sites that rely on user contributions are expected to compensate their contributors. While our primary way of rewarding content is with backlinks and exposure for users’ websites, we also share advertising revenues with our users.
So dig in, tell us what you think of your favorite songs, and if you want to express yourself and earn some money doing it, sign up to write an album guide yourself!

Film Reel
.. the viral video network that pays. We connect video makers and sharers with sponsors in a free and open marketplace that rewards them for doing what they do best.
YourMelodyTV Beta is the 1st Music Video Sharing Content Community that allows musicians and others to connect, converse and share their music content and Get Played & Get Paid for it.
MATRIXMovies rewards all users who upload media with Google revenue share!!! 100% of all revenue generated from your videos is yours!!! The more you upload, the more adsense driven pages you get.
If our members and acquistions execs like what they see, you’ll be offered an AtomFilms distribution deal that pays real money, and can pave the way to distribution through MTV Networks, our parent company.
VCAM submissions are paid a flat rate of £500 per VCAM chosen for Current TV. If your VCAM does air on Current and the sponsor of your VCAM wants to show it in other places beyond Current TV, you’ll get anywhere between £2,500 and £10,000, depending on where they show it.
Video site where you can earn share of revenue. You have to own a .tv site in order to use the tools
As an ExpertVillage Filmmaker, you can; work on your own schedule, from anywhere in the world, fill in gaps between your larger paying gigs, receive worldwide exposure for your work, work on the assignments that you choose, make an average of $300 per assignment, get paid every Friday, …all while helping us grow the largest how-to video library in the world.
Get paid up to $2,000 if your original video is posted on our homepage
Welcome to VuMe, a media sharing site that rewards users for content they create. Our mission is to pass the wealth on to the people who deserve it - the creators of the content. You.
80% of the site’s ad revenue gets put in a cash pool. You create audio or video content and upload it. It gets played… you get paid, based on your share of the traffic. Even if your share is one click.
First provide your google adsense client information, then start collecting videos and creating playlist. We will start showing ads on your videos and playlist using your adsense information. If anyone clicks on those ads, money goes directly to your account.
You’re spending tons of time and effort - and money - creating your show. Isn’t it only right that you should get rewarded for it? At our advertising program is designed to put you in complete control of monetizing your content by providing you with a variety of advertising choices.
Once you register, you’ll be able to upload digital content. You will set a price for the item and we’ll show you all of the transaction fees up front. You can add a description and tags or keywords to be associated with your content. Once you have confirmed the price and description and uploaded the digital file, it will be stored in our system and ready for sale.
Monetize Your Content the Way You Want: Ad supported, Electronic Sell Through at the price you choos. Or, you can offer it to viewers for free with no ads
Upload a product review and you could earn up to $10.00
Podcasting / Audio/ Music

Podcast Music Audio
TalkShoe is a service that enables anyone to easily create, join, or listen to Live Interactive Discussions, Conversations, Podcasts and Audioblogs.
BlogTalkRadio fuses social networking with Internet radio. The web-based service allows you to host a live Internet radio show and take callers from the phone. Hosts can copy and paste a Flash player on their site or blog so listeners can click to listen. The shows are also made available as a podcast via RSS and iTunes. Your audience can listen online or on any mp3-friendly device. Listeners have tens of thousands of shows to choose from, far more than on terrestrial or satellite radio.
Not only is Odiogo free, it may be able to generate advertising revenues. Once your listenership reaches a significant level, you may qualify for a share of ad income!
We7 shares the money that is made from the ads that are embedded with downloaded music. Unlike P2P piracy sites, we respect you as an artist and respect your contribution to the world of entertainment. For free music which is downloaded from our site, the split is typically 50/50 between you and the rights owner, after costs.
Through a simple process, content owners log on to and upload their audio or video file; within a few seconds, their file is converted to a fully trackable and e-commerce enabled ViraCast, ready to launch and start generating revenue immediately. The ad supported ViraCast can easily be embedded in and played off any website; delivered as podcasts on iTunes; distributed by P2P sites; and emailed, while still retaining its e-commerce and tracking functionality.
Hosting their programs at Podango for free, station owners earn income by sharing advertising revenue from the aggregate of Podango-hosted stations.
Jamendo enables all the users to make a donation to the Artists with a minimum of 5 Eur (or Dollars). In any case, jamendo retains as little as 50 cents for financial fees, the remaining sum is directly given to the Artists. Please note that the only Artists eligible for receiving money are those who have opted for the Program ‘Donation’. But there is more, jamendo shares 50% of its advertising revenues to the Artists who opted for the Program ‘Revenue Sharing’.
Yes. Artists will be paid a portion of the advertising revenue in proportion to their popularity on the site (once we launch officially and lineup some advertisers). And of course, artists are paid if a user buys music or merchandise from them on our site (a feature that is coming soon).
Divvycast is an inclusive web service where you can produce, upload, and distribute your music. Bands, solo artists, producers, and DJ’s can get closer to their core audience, reach new fans, and get paid while they’re doing it.
Earn money on your contests and submission
Upload, share and sell your videos, music, podcasts, animations, ebooks and games. You set your own price and receive 70% of the profits.
Are you a content producer or provider? A broadcast producer, distributor or someone who stays up ’til 3:00am producing your own show? Well, we believe your content is valuable, in real monetary terms, which is why we have developed the most aggressive revenue share model in the Podcasting industry.
As your advertising partner, we match up your unique content with equally unique advertising for your audience. We also provide third-party podcast measurement - of particular value for attracting advertisers - free to any podcast. Check out Podtrac’s complete suite of advertising and sponsorship services for your podcast, and register with Podtrac today.
Licensing your music on Grooveshark is a breeze. Head over to our label registration page, fill out the contact form, download and complete the metadata spreadsheet, and await an email from our payment management team.

Shareapic is a free service that allows its users to upload and host images on our servers. What makes us different from the rest? Shareapic has a unique revenue sharing model that compensates users for directing their friends and family to see their hosted images. When a member hosts a gallery, they can then show this gallery to others. Each time this is done, the member is paid.
Get your images published! Buy and sell news and creative photographs
Submit your photos to Shutterstock and get paid every time one of your photos is downloaded.
This is our job. We’ll do our utmost to sell your photos to newspapers, magazines, news organisations and other publishers. Each time we make a sale, we pay you a 40% royalty. If we don’t think we can market your photos, we’ll tell you quickly.
Start sharing your photos… and start getting paid for them.
Upload pictures - you still get the ad revenue, even if your pic is embedded elsewhere
Photographers submitting photos to Freerange Stock can now participate in our revenue sharing system. This is implemented through Google AdSense, and will allow you to keep 80% of the advertising revenue generated by your download pages and your profile pages
We setup a share system that allows you to earn from your image uploads, you get 100% revenues.
My Storefront is a new PhotoWorks feature that enables members to sell photos online for a profit. PhotoWorks will take care of the e-commerce, production, shipping and customer service for each transaction. As a seller, you just need to provide your photographs in digital form, create photo projects, then determine which items you want to sell and how much you want your markup to be!
Social Networks

Crowd sign
Photo by: katmere
The Newsvine community loves investigative reporting, opinion pieces, and just about everything else considered newsworthy and in good taste. Newsvine also sells advertising around all content on the site and returns 90% of the advertising revenue from your content right back to you (based on page views).
Place ads on your profile, Upload Videos, and Images! Create and build a profile to earn cash!
Dada friend$ is a free program based on Google AdSense, through which you can make money by allowing Google to publish ads on your personal space and your blog, and by inviting new friends to and the friend$ program.
The idea is pretty simple - if you contribute to the RateItAll community - whether it be by writing a review, creating Weblists, creating new listings for existing ratings lists, creating a user profile with a picture, or referring friends, we want you to share in the advertising revenue associated with those contributions.
earn money every time you create and share your stuff… be it homepages, videos, audio, photos - with your friends!
It’s easy, sign up and start discussions, post responses or comments to current discussions, news or blogs, or refer friends!
Share your experiences from your own travel diary- reviews, blogs, photos and videos- and map your past and future trips. Members who sign up as a travel guide can share in the advertising revenues generated from their guide page by inserting a Google AdSense ID into their profile as directed.
The gibLink Network’s mission is to build a global community of entrepreneurs, small business owners and home-based business owners to advertise and promote their businesses, share ideas and strategies to benefit together from the growth and revenue generated by the entire community by sharing it back to the advertisers. is a social networking service that allows Members to create unique personal profiles online in order to find and communicate with old and new friends. The revenue sharing rate is determined each month by the amount of revenue generated from advertisements.
an ad-revenue sharing social network built around gadgets and gizmos. It shares advertisement revenue with its members using a 2-tier Affinity Program.
It is like any other social networking website, but the difference is WE are here to share with our members the advertising revenue. We want to be the first social website that pays its members, since all the ¨hard¨ work is done by the users.
We got tired of spending countless hours uploading and creating content for MySpace and not making any money doing it. So now, we can all do it here on NaRpLe and get paid!
At, it is not just about ME it’s also about YOU. And that begins with advertising. At contributors can get 100% of the income from AdSense on their POST pages.
2000 members will be a part of our profit sharing program…
Your Google ads will be displayed in 7 different locations on your public blog and photo pages. Those ads are specifically optimized to allow better penetration of the ads. Any click on those ads will generate a revenue for you through AdSense.

Use your Google AdSenseTM Account & make money for sharing stories is the first Social network website in the internet which pays its users for all of their activites like sharing profile, videos, blogs, pictures, making friends and more.
Share revenue from Google Adsense

search bar
Photo by: .dan
Greenhouse Guides are paid for each search result page accepted for inclusion on
Get paid to search
By creating detailed pages that link to your site, you will be creating content pages that will display revenue generating ads. uses Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content that members create.
If You participate in the Swicki Preferred Placement program to publish paid advertising on your Swicki, You will be paid via PayPal approximately 30 days
Social News

Add Google Adsense to your profile page.
AdSensigg was influenced by the extremely popular technology news site DIGG and the idea of splitting revenue from displaying ads on the site via Google Adsense.
We are the first company to reward you for your contributions to our community through points that you can redeem for cash.
Answer Services

Using BitWine, you can find Advisors who are ready and willing to share their knowledge, expertise, and skills on a wide array of subjects. Once you find the Advisor you are looking for, you simply set up a time with them to talk, and then you meet with them online. Meeting with someone through BitWine is just like talking on the phone, except that much of the time you can actually see the person you are speaking with.
Whether you’re an accountant, a computer expert, a blogger, or a good gossiper, you can earn money selling what you say to others over the phone or through email.
Get paid to answer questions.

Make a list of products or services that you would recommend to family and friends. Broadcast your list by adding a widget to websites, blogs and social networks. When someone likes an item from your list and buys it you get the commission.
Get $10 for every 10 reviews you write
This site is the only place on the Internet you can earn some cash just for writing the reviews! You could review anything around you including: any products, hi-end technics, companies, hotels, politics, cities, stores on your street, or even your neighbors pets! We’ll pay you for all of the reviews.
We feel community sites that profit from your contributions without sharing are wrong. Join a community empowered to connect and collaborate while sharing in the profits that you help generate!
When someone clicks on your favorite thingz and buys it - you earn money. Easy as that.
Write a post relevant to the suggested Conversation topic, and paste the widget code inside your post. Your post will be syndicated to the widgets inside all other participating posts. Also, you will receive the proposed royalty payment.

money is happiness
Photo by: the_toe_stubber
Kongregate shares between 25% and 50% of ad revenue generated by games with their respective developers.
Welcome to, the first classifieds website that PAYS you simply for listing ads!
Make money every time someone views or embeds a widget from your site.
Your voice is unique and personal…just like your stories. Use Yodio to add your stories to your photos, and share these narrated photos with your friends and colleagues.
Cruxy gives creators the ability to sell their work as digital downloads. Artists can sell just about any type of media file at the price they choose. Cruxy just takes a small fee (10% + $.15 per transaction) with the rest going to the creator. Fans can buy content using PayPal, Google Checkout or any major credit card.
RedBubble is an online art gallery that makes it easy to sell your art, photos, designs and illustrations as high-quality framed prints, mounted prints, greeting cards, posters, designer T-Shirts and more.

Technorati Tags: list, 100, sites, sharing, revenue
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44 Readers have left their thoughts


sai krishna give 100% adsense revenue with users who submit their articles

[reply to this comment]

Jan 31st, 2008


Thanks for sharing this great list. It must have taken ages.

[reply to this comment]

Feb 1st, 2008

I am getting less Adsense earnings from Adsense revenue sharing websites. I believe earnings depends upon Pagerank of these sites. Could you tell me which websites give better revenue?

[reply to this comment]

Feb 3rd, 2008

tpuser gives you 50% adsense revenue share to submitters.

[reply to this comment]

Feb 13th, 2008


Well its nice sharing

[reply to this comment]

Feb 15th, 2008

Revenue Sharing

Here’s another list that’s quite large

It’s continually updated too.

[reply to this comment]

Mar 5th, 2008


very long but very useful list.thanks for the same.

[reply to this comment]

Mar 25th, 2008


“adsensigg” has been disquilified by google adsense as the name look likes google adsense.another site i found is “”please check it out.

[reply to this comment]

Harvinder reply on August 30, 2008:


How are you dear. Will you please let me know that which type of work people do and earn money. Because I haven’t get any information of any site which pay for article, photos, videos etc. please give me some detail about that if possible.

[reply to this comment]

Mar 25th, 2008

joemy offers %100 ad revenue, but need flash knowledge.

[reply to this comment]

Apr 21st, 2008


Here is a revenue sharing social popularity site

They share in the revenue produced by advertisements in your profile. The more popular you are the more money you’ll make.


[reply to this comment]

May 6th, 2008



Hopefully this site is of interest:

They pay you UK 2p ~ 5c per Google search. You just sign up with your name and Email then add your paypal detials. They pay on a monthly basis.

Hope this is of interest!

[reply to this comment]

May 9th, 2008


Thanks for the long list :)
i only doing squidoo at the moment

wonder how long should i take to finish all on your list :)

great list and bookmarked!

[reply to this comment]

May 10th, 2008

Santiago Barros

Hi, is a spanish revenue sharing forum with 100% of sharing and more, because you can use your Adsense ID in your referrals if they don’t use Adsense.

[reply to this comment]

May 11th, 2008

Francis, Infopirate

Great list, I didnt know that there are that much… wow!

Social News and Bookmark site, shares 80% with you:

[reply to this comment]

May 28th, 2008


Well detailed list of profit sharing sites… great job!

Another revenue sharing site, exclusive for Squidoo lensmasters, shares 50% using the users Adsense Id. Build links, increase traffic, make money for yourself.

[reply to this comment]

Jun 6th, 2008


Hello everyone,

I’m the owner of Xomba and I just wanted to let you know that we’re happy to answer any questions you might have about our service.

Just head over to Xomba and click the contact button in the top right.

Hope to see you soon.

[reply to this comment]

Jun 20th, 2008

Ravindra RVS

The above mentioned sites share less than 50%, moreover you can’t make more than $300-400 month

[reply to this comment]

Nick reply on June 27, 2008:

I can’t speak for other websites, but I assure you Xomba shares more than 50% and we have a couple of users who make over $1,000 a month.

[reply to this comment]

Jun 26th, 2008


thanks you

[reply to this comment]

Jun 27th, 2008

Firebubble Web Design

Hey good list of profit sharing sites.
Thanks for sharing them.

[reply to this comment]

Jul 14th, 2008


This is a great post! worth spending some time on all the links…

[reply to this comment]

Jul 15th, 2008


The problem with most of these is that they only pay through PayPal. For people like me, who live in Africa, that sucks. This is because PayPal does not operate here. You can’t receive money into Paypal from my country – you can use it to pay (of course) but you can’t use it to receive any money into the country. This is a horrible situation for people who want to run online businesses over here.

[reply to this comment]

Jul 24th, 2008

Dating Guy

It seems is the best in video segment.

[reply to this comment]

Aug 14th, 2008

Raymond Teh

Thank you very much for your effort for posting this up.

This is very useful.

[reply to this comment]

Aug 18th, 2008


Hey guys have you seen and it’s revenue share model?

It also has a nice rev share model.

[reply to this comment]

Aug 26th, 2008


Another great shared revenue website to add to this list is which offers users 75% of the revenue.

[reply to this comment]

Aug 27th, 2008


So is it allowed to me if I want to start share my adsense revenue to another author in my wordpress blog?

thanks for the great list above

[reply to this comment]

Aug 30th, 2008


here is another ad revenue sharing forum….

[reply to this comment]

Sep 26th, 2008

abhishek shukla

hello , friends I have gone through all the question and answer available here I have still some doubts.
1. can we use more than 1 or most of the revenue site with same adsense account , is it safe??
2. google adsense account shows most of the revenue sharing sites as blocked URL does this have any negative effect on the adsense account .In most of the revenue sharing sites blocked URL problem cannot be solved because we cannot access the robot.txt file

[reply to this comment]

Oct 13th, 2008


Thank you for the efforts to arrange the list. I used several tips from it for my Revenue Sharing Sites rating list at RateItAll:

Good Luck!

[reply to this comment]

Oct 13th, 2008

David Givoni

Our site,, has just launched a revenue sharing program as well using Google Adsense.
It’s a question and answers site about IT and you can earn money by answering other peoples questions.
Kind regards,

[reply to this comment]

Nov 1st, 2008


Such a great resource of revenue sharing websites. I just bookmarked it.


[reply to this comment]

Nov 24th, 2008



HowToBuyStuff ( also shares 50% of the revenue generated by article content. Thought you’d like to know.

[reply to this comment]

Dec 10th, 2008

Webmaster Forum

Our webmaster forum has just launched revenue sharing. We share revenue 50/50 with our members.

[reply to this comment]

Dec 24th, 2008


Mega Ministore ( shares revenue with writers who submit short (250-500 word) articles on a variety of subjects.

Writers keep 100% of revenue for 30 days (other plans available too).

[reply to this comment]

Jan 9th, 2009


I have been using Squidoo and Hubpages and (starting to explore knol. I get very high rankings on google. Check for yourself search on Russell Simmons Rush Card and I am top 5 on all the major search Engines. Great List.

[reply to this comment]

Jan 30th, 2009

Elvin quote

Slashmysearch is down.

[reply to this comment]

Feb 9th, 2009


It’s hard to make a dime from my personal opinion.

[reply to this comment]

Feb 9th, 2009

links for 2008-02-03 - Feb 3rd, 2008
links for 2008-03-15 - Mar 15th, 2008
Another Big List of Sites That Can Make You Money! » Make Money Online at Cash Quests - Jul 14th, 2008
100+ Revenue Sharing Sites | SocialMedia404 - Aug 27th, 2008
This Site Was Social Bookmarked at - Sep 20th, 2008

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