An Atheist ignorantly says that the Bible is copied from Pagan म्य्थ्स ?

Don states:

Most Biblical scholars agree that much of the Hebrew Old Testament was based on the legends of ancient Sumeria. In this article, the story of humankind's creation is explored in the parallels between the Sumerian legends of the garden, Dilmum, and the Hebrew garden of Eden.

The Hebrew account of the Garden of Eden is well known to most people however facts point to the core of that popular Hebrew story as having been lifted straight from Sumerian legend. And the story may well have roots dating back long before the Sumerian civilization.

A goddess of Sumeria, Ninhursag, also known as "exalted lady" is given the credit for bringing the green plants to the earth and for creating humans. This ancient "Mother Nature" brought to life a place called Dilmun, reputed as the true Paradise of the Gods. Many scholars, Zecharia Sitchin among them, believe that this Dilmum -if not the original garden- was at least the basis from which the Hebrews scholars borrowed in forming their scriptural stories of Eden....


(Don is a fine example of "a little knowledge is dangerous." And also the folly of those whom have no faith.)

Uh, excuse me, Don:

Do you really believe the error- laced article you wrote, or are you just a predatory atheist trying to mislead a weak among-the-flock Christian? No true Christian would pay attention to the filth you just posted about our Lord’s written Word. Perhaps you posted it here in error, go find an atheist forum to post it on, atheists will believe anything BUT the truth. You wrote: “Most Biblical scholars agree that much of the Hebrew Old Testament was based on the legends of ancient Sumeria.”

Now Don, come-on, don’t be absurd, “Most Biblical scholars” deny that the Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of Almighty God? That is what you are in essence saying with your false statement above. Don, don’t be foolish!

You also ignorantly wrote: “In this article, the story of humankind's creation is explored in the parallels between the Sumerian legends of the garden, Dilmum, and the Hebrew garden of Eden. ”

Yes, Don, the myths and false regions do closely parallel God’s Word, but they corrupt God’s truth and the true Garden of Eden events. Why, Don? Because the Sumerian legends were taken to Sumeria by Cain after his expulsion. Cain corrupted God’s Word, commands and histories. The pagan religions that you speak of even have ‘dieties’ that are perversions of Adam and Eve. For instance, Anu, Ea and Murdoch are ancient Babylonian ‘dieties,’ but they are simply the corrupted form of Adam (Anu), Eve (Ea), and satan (Murdoch). Cain started the corrupt religions in rebellion to God.

Don, all major corrupt religions have a “Garden of God” with a man and woman, a struggle between two sons, and a “Great Flood” wherein a man and his family were saved. This is a testament to the reality of God’s Word, for while all the corrupt religions have these stories, they all contradict each other. They were all taken, and corrupted, for the true event that is contained in God’s Word.

In other words, Don, the corrupted religions copied the truth from Eden and perverted it, NOT Eden copying the pagan myths and placing them in the Bible. It’s kind of like which came first, the chicken or the egg? Well, the chicken came first, of course, for God created them with their ability to reproduce. Likewise, the truth came first, then foul spirited men like you perverted it.

Sumeria is in Mesopotamia (the land between the rivers), it is just north of the dead city “Erech” which is thought to be the Biblical city of Enoch that Cain builded (approx 3800 b.c.) and named after his son Enoch (Gen 4:17). Cain went there (Nod), found a wife and set-up a corrupted religion against Jehovah that not only denied Jehovah, but made gods out of His creation (Adam & Eve) and even deified (made a god out of) satan! Not, some 6,000 years later, you come to a Christian Website and perpetuate Cain’s lies against God.

Satan always corrupts truth (Jn 8:44). Even the ancient Greek mythical heroes were perversions of Biblical personalities, i.e., the Greek Hercules is the Biblical Samson corrupted.....

Educate yourself, son, then write. (In that order)

God bless, in Jesus Christ’ name!


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