Is "Christian Identity" & "British Israelism" teaching, racist?

Mr. ‘Anonymous’ writes:

...The word of God teaches us that his elect will be gathered out of every nation, tribe, people, and tongue, this includes Jews, and other people considered to be mud people by the abomination taught by Christian Identity, British Israelism, etc. You cant get to heaven by swimming upstream, and Jesus does not rent out motorboats to help you get up the stream.


Dear ‘Anonymous,’ you wrote:

“and other people considered to be mud people by the abomination taught by Christian Identity, British Israelism, etc.”

The so-called Christian Identity and British Israelism have been assailed and slandered by the fascist liemongering Jewish AntiDefamation Leage (ADL) for obvious reasons.

British Israelism and Christian Identity (so named by it’s influential detractors) teach that the Ten ‘Lost’ Tribes of Israel migrated north and west (as prophesied) and settled Europe (hence: British Israelism) and later populated the Americas. Thus the true Israel peoples of the Bible are now found in the west, not in Palestine (Israel). They will not be in the Israel of the region Palestine until Jesus Christ returns at His Second Advent and cleanses the land Jerusalem and Zion of the antichrist and his minions (who will, and are even now, hijacking the land Israel and the identity of “God’s chosen”. God’s “chosen people,” if that is what you like to call them, are among the Christian Nations of Great Britain and America (Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s children and receivers of the blessing from Isaac [Gen 48:11-22].), spreading the Gospel to the world as Christ commanded: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

This of course causes some discomfort for the ‘pirate’ so-called Jews residing in the modern day country of Israel who are Jesus Christ deniers. For if the Israel peoples are not in Israel today, who are those who CLAIM to be Israel in Palestine today?


Rev 2:9
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (KJV)

The Jewish global lobby has found some success at discrediting any teaching that identifies their commandeering of “God’s chosen” status. They do this by lying. They accomplish this by people like you that spread their lies, and the uninformed believe the lies and hyperbole because it is in ‘print.’

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does not call any people, Mud people, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors.

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does not teach that black people or ANY race is less than human, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors.

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does not teach that white people are superior to any other race, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors.

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does not teach that ALL so-called Jews are Kenites, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors.

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does not teach that Adam was the first white man, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors.

The “Ten Tribes” teaching does Not teach racism and is Not represented by White Racist organizations that have corrupted the Ten Tribes teaching, this is a lie from the Jewish ADL and her political and spiritual agentures and Christian traitors. (The ADL shadow-finances many inept racist organizations so as to exploit them as mainstream for their (ADL’s) own means.)

People will remain ignorant and believe these Internationalist Jewish lies as long as they allow themselves to be informed from those (ADL) who perpetuate the lies in the first place. The truth is out there, seek it; the truth is in the Bible, seek it. To learn what true "Ten Tribes Teaching" teaches, see: The re-formation of Israel in the west. Israel's migrations to "the appointed place."



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